
When you sign petitions that allow you to add your own message, please tell them to stop the slaughter and consumption of dogs and cats, and stop the production of dog and cat fur (hair). Tell them you don't want these trades to be allowed to continue in secret or operate underground. Some farmers, restaurants owners, meat marketers, and the meat industry are torturing and slaughtering dogs and cats in secret to keep it out of the public eye because of the backlash. Some politicians tell them they can continue, but they can't do it within view of the public. There aren't as many petitions about saving cats, so please remember to sign petitions about saving cats.

Please sign the Humane Society International petition at

Please sign this petition by Dog Meat Free Indonesia to Indonesia’s President to ban the dog meat trade in Indonesia. The website has the “I didn’t know” video with Ricky Gervais and other well-known people. Visit

Please sign the petition by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals International (SPCAI) to convince restaurants to stop buying and selling dog meat. The petition is at

Visit to sign the petition started on (by asking the Dalai Lama to speak out against the dog and cat meat trade in South Korea and other Asian countries has a “call for action” webpage that has many petitions and e-mails you can participate in to stop the dog and cat meat trade in South Korea. Visit 

Please sign the petition by Stop Dog Meat and Last Chance for Animals asking the Chinese Ambassador to the United States to stop the dog meat trade and to change the way all animals are treated in China. The petition is at

Visit to sign the petition and send the email by Last Chance for Animals to the Head of the Agriculture, Food, Rural Affairs, Oceans & Fisheries Committee in South Korea to ban the slaughter of dogs

Here is a petition on (by Ladyfreethinker) to the US Congress to end the dog and cat meat in all countries around the world. The petition is at

Please sign this petition by the Soi Dog Foundation and the Save Korean Dogs Organization to Congressman Pyo Chang Won of South Korea to end the dog meat trade and take dogs off the livestock list in South Korea. Visit


The Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) has a petition (which will go to Legislators) about enacting an Animal Bill of Rights. The petition is at

The Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) has numerous petitions and letters to sign to send directly to Federal legislators on a variety of issues involving animals. The AWI has been in existence since 1951 and does a lot of great work. Visit