Other Countries

The dog and cat fur trade in CANADA:

It is still legal in Canada to purchase and sell dog and cat fur.  Chinese imports account for about sixty-percent of all fur garments coming into Canada.  The amount of dog and cat fur imported into Canada from China is not known.  Canadian officials have resisted a ban on dog and cat fur because of concerns the ban could affect the exportation of seal fur and related products.  (ACT Asia, 2019, China’s fur trade and its position in the global fur industry)

Canada does not require that animal pelts and hides are labeled to show which animal was used to produce them.  (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals, 2020, Dog and Cat Fur Trade)  The only requirement of the Canadian Textile and Labeling Act is that fur products are labeled as fur.  Humane organizations in Canada continually push for a ban on dog and cat fur products in Canada.  (Graham, 2012, How Canada Gets Dog and Cat Fur from China)

The dog and cat fur trade in RUSSIA:

Russia imports large amounts of fur and fur products from China.  Some of these products are made of dog and cat fur, although they are mislabeled to reflect the fur as coming from other types of animals if the destination country prohibits dog and cat fur.  (ACT Asia, 2019, China’s fur trade and its position in the global fur industry)

The dog and cat fur trade in EUROPE:

European countries import significant quantities of fur and fur products from China.  Some of these products are made of dog and cat fur, although they are mislabeled to reflect the fur as coming from other types of animals if the destination country prohibits dog and cat fur.  (ACT Asia, 2019, China’s fur trade and its position in the global fur industry)

The dog and cat fur trade in UNITED STATES:

The United States imports fur from China.  Some of these products are made of dog and cat fur, although they are mislabeled to reflect the fur as coming from other types of animals.  (ACT Asia, 2019, China’s fur trade and its position in the global fur industry)

The United States Congress enacted the Dog and Cat Protection Act of 2000 (Title 19, USC, Section 1308), which banned the importation, exportation, distribution, transportation, manufacture, and sale of products that contain dog and cat fur in the United States.  (Title 19, USC, Section 1308, 2000, Prohibition on importation of dog and cat fur products)  Any items containing dog and cat fur bound for importation in the United States or exportation from the United States will be confiscated.  Violators will be subject to a civil penalty of “not more than $10,000 for each separate knowing and intentional violation, $5,000 for each separate gross negligent violation, or $3,000 for each separate negligent violation.”  (U.S. Customs and Border Protection, 2019, Prohibited and Restricted Items Dog and Cat Fur)

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